Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Inefficiency Of U.S. High Schools Essays - Youth, Adolescence

The Inefficiency of U.S. High Schools U.S. high schools are not properly preparing kids for the college experience. The primary purpose of a high school in the United States is to get kids into college. The courses taught in U.S. high schools are way too lenient in their grading policies and offer students much leeway. High school courses are too lenient because high school teachers make them that way. One good example that proves just how much leeway secondary education offers students is that on average, professors at the high school level accept late papers. Of course late papers are marked down, but this policy voids the purpose to having deadlines. Most universities, both public and private set strict guidelines on these matters and openly encourage their professors to do the same. I turned in papers a week late in high school and still received a grade of 70 % on them. This is coming back to hunt me in college because I now have a big problem meeting deadlines. Although I do not like to admit it, if high school had been stricter in this respect I might not be going through these many difficulties right now Most public high school teachers are astoundingly underpaid and overworked with sometimes over fifty students in a single classroom. In the last ten years the average class size doubled according to a Time magazine study published in 1995 stating that throughout the whole nation classes have doubled in size. The article mentions that this problem has occurred and will worsen due to illegal immigration, a population expansion, and people migration to cities and urban sites. Some students that can afford a private tutor or the cost of private education follow that path. This is not fair to the majority that can't afford this. Again, the lack of individual and private interaction between professor ends up resulting in that the student gets half of the education. For some reason I don't know, the student ends up always paying the price of an inadequate and inefficient public high school system. These statistics offer little incentive and motivation to get teachers to take action and lobby for change. Governmental cutbacks have forced many schools to close vital advanced placement and other college preparatory courses which are vital for the student aspiring for a college education. It is becoming now more than ever common that states give private entities and teachers public school charters along with grants and financial aid to encourage the nation's public high schools, as California Governor William Wells said in a 1994 Time magazine article titled, "A Class of their Own," "to raise their standards and improve the quality of education for all students." Public high schools around the nation should establish and "enforce" stricter college preparatory curriculums because over 50% of high school students that participated in a Time magazine poll conducted in 1996 said they are interested in pursuing a 4-year college education. The article stated that fifty years ago this would not have been the case. If over half the students attending U.S. high schools wish to pursue university education then public schools should tailor their programs to meet the needs and demands of the majority. It is important to know that there is a small percentage of the nation that don't even go to high school as the October 22, 1990 Time Magazine article, "Schooling Kids At Home," points out. Parents send their kids to school confident that the school will prepare them well for the future, but overlook that essential programs like SAT preparation and study skills courses are not offered. How must a school system expect that one study efficiently for exams if they don't show how. Clearly people have been studying for many years and there is no set way to study, but it helps to know what are the most time efficient ways to review for exams. I feels that s "study skills" class should be offered in every public high school around the nation. If this implies a great cost then study skills should be incorporated in the daily curriculum or at least taught once a week during class. The fact is that some time should be set aside for this essential class for which there is great need for. The same concept applies for S.A.T. preparation. Again I propose the conundrum, how must one be expected to pass the S.A.T if schools don't show us how to pass it. Many

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

ENV 101 Exam 3 Essays

ENV 101 Exam 3 Essays ENV 101 Exam 3 Paper ENV 101 Exam 3 Paper Essay Topic: The Secret Life Of Bees The World Health Organization regards health as primarily a matter of______ well being. Physical, mental and social Historically, the greatest threats to human health came from Pathogenic organisms ______, rather than______ are becoming the leading causes of disability and premature death worldwide. Chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease; infectious diseases such as malaria Infectious diseases such as diarrhea are closely linked to Malnutrition Hazardous substances______ while toxins are______. Are dangerous substances; poisonous substances Toxic substances are dangerous because they React or interfere with specific cell functions Which of the following practices contributes the least to antibiotic or pesticide resistance? A person takes the full course of the appropriate antibiotic when she has a bacterial infection Among the most important characteristics of chemicals in determining their environmental risks is/are All of these The biomagnification of DDT demonstrates that Higher trophic level organisms can concentrate toxins in a type of inverse biological pyramid. Most people do their own personal risk assessments based upon Personal biases and preferences as well as logic Undernourished parents often raise children who are undernourished because the parents All of these are reasons for the vicious cycle Food security has to do with The ability of a population to obtain food on a day-to-day basis People can suffer malnourishment if they consume large amounts of_____instead of______. Fat and sugar; vitamins and protein People who subsist on starchy foods such as cassava, potatoes and white rice Often receive insufficient protein The three crops that humans rely on for the majority of nutrients and calories are Wheat, rice and maize (corn) Most humans rely on just a few of th eworlds animal and plant species for food because only a few Food types are what we are accustomed to eating Which of the following does not describe the status of the worlds wild fisheries? Fish farming has allowed wild fish to recover worldwide Which of the following is the most correct definition of soil? All of these adequately describe soil The critical organic component of soil that gives it its structure is termed Humus Topsoil contains predominantly Mixed organic material and mineral particles In developed countries, the most recent increases in agricultural productivity have come from New crop varieties About what portion of world freshwater withdrawals is used for agriculture? 3/4 Which is the best cropping method for reducing erosion? Rotating corn, wheat and clover Which of the following uses the least amount of energy in industrialized farming practices? Drying the crops Green manure is Green plants, especially legumes that are planted and then plowed under Worldwide, traditional and native varieties of food crops have______ since the introduction of green revolution varieties. Been widely replaced by new varieties Fifty years ago, there were several hundred varieties of wheat grown in teh Middle East. No a few of the more modern high responder varieties have replaced the indigenous species. What are the implications of this change? Genetic resources are diminished and an epidemic of wheat disease is highly likely due to the reliance on few species The first genetically modified animal for human consumption is a salmon with extra growth hormones. Which of the following is not a concern about this animal? These are all worries about the GM salmon Which of the following is the best way to ensure soil health? Strip farming and leaving residues on fields after harvest The benefits of leaving crop residues on a field after harvest include All of these are correct One of the ecological benefits associated with aquaculture is the organic material generated from the aquaculture tanks. The nutrients increase the health and productivity of the surrounding natural ecosystem. False Agricultural cropland is shrinking worldwide. True Buying shade grown coffee and cocoa has a minimal effect on local ecosystems where they are grown. True Terracing is more sustainable than conventional farming, but is also more expensive. True Agricultural (farm) subsidies are especially effective in helping preserve small family farms. False Pest organisms tend to be Generalist species Of the millions of living species, about ____ cause 90 percent of the worldwide crop damage. 100 Significant agricultural monetary losses are due to the destruction of _____ through pesticide spray drift and residues on flowers. Honeybees Most of the pesticides applied in the United States are used in Agriculture Natural organic pesticides are not All of these are characteristics of natural organic pesticides In terms of agriculture, pesticides have lead to _____ for consumers All of these are correct Approximately ______ percent of the pesticides we use never reach the intended target. 90 Why are pest predator populations so adversely affected by broad-spectrum pesticides? Predators in higher trophic levels are more likely to be wiped out than lower trophic levels According to your instructor, what are the two types of â€Å"overpopulation† which environmental science must contend with? people and consumption So far, as described in â€Å"The Last Straw,† there have been no attempts to place dams on the Indus River in Kashmir to increase Pakistan’s water security because: Pakistan fears these dams could be used as weapons in case of war with India. The Indus Waters Treaty, as pointed out in â€Å"The Last Straw,† has survived nearly 50 years and three wars between India and Pakistan. True As expressed in â€Å"How to Stop Climate Change: The Easy Way,† such dire circumstances in the Earth’s system as the collapse of the Amazon rainforest, or the release of methane from thawing Siberian permafrost, represent the crossing of: tipping points As brought out in â€Å"How to Stop Climate Change: The Easy Way,† considering the relative consequences, the author would rather see China building two nuclear reactors weekly than two: coal-fired plants As argued in â€Å"How to Stop Climate Change: The Easy Way,† when it comes to global warming, many people, subconsciously at least, actually want to be lied to: True As mentioned in â€Å"Global Warming Battlefields,† Al Gore was recognized for his efforts to raise awareness about global warming when he shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with: IPCC As related in â€Å"Global Warming Battlefields,† a growing body of evidence suggests that severe climate changes have tended to increase the risk of resource-related conflict, as was apparent during 1300-1700, a span of time known as the: Little Ice Age As noted in â€Å"Global Warming Battlefields,† much research has been devoted to the causes of state collapse and the rise of ethnic militias, but no research has identified a clear, consistent set of precipitation factors. True As stated in â€Å"Executive Summary from Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity,† the class of animals whose member face the greatest risk of extinction is: amphibians As asserted in â€Å"Executive Summary from Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity,† the earliest and most severe impacts of dramatic biodiversity loss and the accompanying degradation of ecosystem services would be faced by: the poor According to â€Å"Executive Summary from Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity,† in some scenarios, climate change can be mitigated while maintaining and even expanding the current extent of forests and other natural ecosystems while avoiding additional habitat loss. true According to â€Å"When Diversity Vanishes,† the most dramatic diversity collapses: are mass extinctions As reported in â€Å"When Diversity Vanishes,† in finance, diversification reduces risk by: spreading money among assets that respond differently during market moves As pointed out in â€Å"When Diversity Vanishes,† in expert judgment, the average judgment of a group is better than individual performance. true Historically, up until the middle ages, populations were mostly limited by Disease, famine and war ____________ are the most numerous vertebrate organisms on Earth Fish Human population growth most closely resembles J-shaped growth curve The world human population reached 1 billion in about _________ and passed ____________ in 1999. 1800; 6 billion The population theory held by Thomas Malthus was that the human population would Outstrip its resources, then suffer starvation and misery Neo-Malthusians argue that Malthuss eighteenth century theories apply to similar circumstances today Technological optimists argue that technological advances have Proved Malthus wrong in his predictions of famine and disaster Malthus and Marx Disagreed about the root causes of overpopulation, poverty and social upheaval Human ingenuity and intelligence as the ultimate resource is the central theme in the argument of Julian Simon Demography is the science that describes Population changes and characteristics Ninety percent of the worlds population growth in the next century is expected to occur in Less-developed countries Why is Russias population declining? The standard of living has decreased leading to higher death rates and lower birth rates The I = PAT formula says that our environmental impacts (I) are the product of The population size times affluence and the technology used to produce goods and services consumed Crude birth rates are measured in terms of the number of children born Per 1000 people each year The total fertility rate is the number of children born To the average woman during her lifetime There is some evidence that population growth today is ____________ rather than ______________. Slowing slightly; continuing to accelerate The main cause of world population growth in the past 300 years has been Falling mortality The difference between total growth rate and natural increase is that total growth rates Include immigration and emigration as well as births and deaths The average age that a newborn can expect to attain in a given society is referred to as Life expectancy The population represented by the age class histogram on the right will Grow substantially in the future The age class histogram on the right could represent the population of Uganda The age class histogram on the left could represent the population of Singapore A pyramid-shaped age structure histogram is characteristic of a(n) _________ population Expanding A dependency ratio is a comparison between the numbers of Working and nonworking people Pronatalist pressures are influences that lead people to Have more children Women who ________ are least likely to have many children. Are able to earn an income for themselves The demographic transition refers to a countrys change from High birth and death rates to low birth and death rates The most industrialized country listed is Country A The message from author Garret Hardins lifeboat ethics is that Helping poor people will simply increase their rate of reproduction Proponents of social justice believe that environmental and social problems will decrease if Resources are distributed fairly One of the _________ effective ways to stabilize populations is to _________. Most; decrease child mortality Less developed countries can best argue that developed countries are primarily responsible for overpopulation problems because Less developed countries were many times impoverished by colonialism Family planning means enabling people to Decide in advance how many children they should have The most pessimistic projection of population growth projects the human population to reach 25 billion by 2150. True 1. The proportion of the developing world’s population, as cited in â€Å" Where Oil and Water Do Mix: Environmental Scarcity and Future Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa,† that has no access to clean water is: about one third. 2. As discussed in â€Å"Where Oil and Water Do Mix: Environmental Scarcity and Future Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa,† two common patterns of scarcity are: resource capture and ecological marginalization. 3. As noted in â€Å"Where Oil and Water Do Mix: Environmental Scarcity and Future Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa,† social pressures created by environmental scarcity may cause state power to crumble. True 4. As identified in â€Å"The Big Melt,† the plateau known as â€Å"The Roof of the World,† the highest and largest plateau in the world, is the: Tibetan Plateau. According to â€Å"The Big Melt,† China angered Indochina by damming the: Mekong River. 6. As quoted in â€Å"The Big Melt,† Chinese glaciologist Yao Tandong believes that the shrinkage of the glaciers will lead to ecological catastrophe. True 7. In the spring of 2008, as put forth in â€Å"The World’s Water Challenge,† the international community failed to predict all of the following related to water scarcity except: migration patterns related to famine. 8. More than half of the water suitable for human consumption, as described in â€Å"The World’s Water Challenge,† is used for: agriculture 9. Of the 1.8 million people who lose their lives due to unsafe water each year, as noted in â€Å"The World’s Water Challenge,† almost half of them are children. False As claimed in â€Å"Climate Change,† the current position in the scientific community with regard to climate change is that: climate change is dangerous and is caused by humans. As argued in â€Å"Climate Change,† the toughest part of the climate-change equation is the: speed with which global warming is occurring and how little time is left to make changes. As noted in â€Å"Climate Change,† while global warming will hurt some areas of the world, it will help other areas with extended growing seasons, allowing those areas to ease global food shortages over the long term. False According to â€Å"The Last Straw,† one of the greatest potential new threats to Pakistan’s stability could come from: the melting of the Himalaya glaciers.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How To Use the Common Spanish Verb ‘Tener’

How To Use the Common Spanish Verb ‘Tener’ The everyday Spanish verb tener, usually translated as to have, is particularly useful. Not only is it used to indicate possession, it is also used in a variety of idiomatic expressions to indicate emotions or states of being. Note that when tener means to have, it does so in the sense of meaning to possess or to own. The equivalent of the English auxiliary verb to have, as in you have seen, is haber (as in has visto, you have seen). Using Tener To Mean ‘To Have Most of the time, tener is used in much the same way as to have is in English. Depending on the context, it can also be translated using using synonyms such as to possess and to own: Tengo tres hijos. (I have three children.)Tiene un coche casi nuevo con una garantà ­a fuerte. (He owns an almost new car with a strong guarantee.)Antes de la guerra, tenà ­a tres casas. (Before the war, she possessed three houses.)Tuvimos cuatro campeones en el mismo momento. (We had four champions at the same time.)En 2016 Paulina no tenà ­a carnà © de conducir. (In 2016 Paulina didnt have a drivers license.)No tenemos suficientes bosques en el planeta. (We dont have enough forests on our planet.) ¿Crees que tendremos una mujer presidente? (Do you believe we will have a female president?) Tener can similar be used similarly as to have even when it is used figuratively or referring to nonphysical things: Espero que tengas una buena excusa. (I hope you have a good excuse.)Mi amigo tiene dificultad para pronunciar las palabras espaà ±olas. (My friend has difficulty in pronouncing Spanish words.)Cada là ­der debe tener una visià ³n de lo que podrà ­a ser. (Every leader should have a vision of what could be.) Idiomatic Uses of Tener Expressions using tener are also quite common. Many of them would not be understood by English speakers to indicate possession, although they often can be thought of as referring to to the having of various emotions and feelings. For example, tener hambre, would be translated literally as to have hunger, although it would normally be understood as to be hungry. The following listing, which is far from complete, shows some of the common expressions or idioms using tener: tener ____ aà ±os (to be ____ years old): (Tiene 4 aà ±os. She is 4 years old.)no tener antecedentes (to be unprecedented): La crisis venezolana no tiene antecedentes. (The Venezuelan crisis is unprecedented.)no tener arreglo (to be beyond repair): Siento que esta semana no tiene arreglo. (I feel this week is beyond repair.)tener calor (to be or to feel hot):  ¿Tienes calor? (Are you hot?)tener cuidado (to be careful):  ¡Ten cuidado! (Be careful!)tener dolor (to have a pain, to be in pain): Hay muchos excelentes remedios para dolor de cabeza. (There are many excellent remedies for a headache.)tener la culpa (to be at fault): Mi madre dice que tengo la culpa. (My mother says its my fault.)tener efecto (to have an effect, to be in effect):  La patente dejà ³ de tener efecto antes de que el dispositivo comenzara a ser utilizado a gran escala. (The patent went out of effect before the device began to be used on a large scale.)tener à ©xito (to be successful): Mi hermano tiene m ucho à ©xito. (My brother is very successful.) tener frà ­o (to be or feel cold): Los exploradores tendrn frà ­o. (The explorers will be cold.)tener hambre (to be hungry): Los nià ±os siempre tienen hambre. (The children are always hungry.)tenerlo fcil (to have it easy): Los dos equipos no lo tienen fcil. (The two teams dont have it easy.)tener miedo (to be afraid): El paracaidista no tenà ­a miedo. (The parachute jumper wasnt afraid.)tener prisa (to be in a hurry): Mi hija nunca tiene prisa. (My daughter is never in a hurry.)tener que infinitive (to have to): Tengo que salir. (I have to leave.)tener razà ³n, no tener razà ³n (to be right, to be wrong): Tengo razà ³n. No tienes razà ³n. (Im right. Youre wrong.)tener sed (to be thirsty): El camello no tiene sed. (The camel isnt thirsty.)tener suerte (to be lucky): Los ganadores tenà ­an suerte. (The winners were lucky.) Conjugation of Tener Like many other commonly used verbs, tener is irregular. Following are the conjugations for the most common indicative tenses. Irregular conjugations are indicated by boldface. The only other verbs that follow the same conjugation pattern as tener are verbs based on tener, such as mantener (to maintain) and sostener (to sustain). Note that these verb forms can be translated in other ways if the context calls for it. Present tense: yo tengo (I have), tà º tienes (you have), à ©l/ella/usted tiene (he/she has, you have), nosotros tenemos (we have), vosotros tenà ©is (you have), ellos/ustedes tienen (they/you have).Preterite tense: yo tuve (I had), tà º tuviste (you had), à ©l/ella/usted tuvo (he/she/you had), nosotros tuvimos (we had), vosotros tuvisteis (you have), ellos/ustedes tuvieron (they/you have).Imperfect tense: yo tenà ­a (I used to have), tà º tenà ­as (you used to have), à ©l/ella/usted tenà ­a (he/she/you used to have), nosotros tenà ­amos (we used to have), vosotros tenà ­ais (you used to have), ellos/ustedes tenà ­an (they/you used to have).Future tense: yo tendrà © (I will have), tà º tendrs (you will have), à ©l/ella/usted tendr (he/she/you will have), nosotros tendremos (we will have), vosotros tendrà ©is (you will have), ellos/ustedes tendrn (they/you will have). Key Takeaways Tener usually means to have in the sense of to possess, but not have when it is used as an auxiliary verb.Tener is highly irregular, not using the same conjugation as any other verb other than those that derive from tener.A wide variety of phrases use tener in which it frequently is used for indicating emotions and various personal feelings.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The federal reserve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The federal reserve - Essay Example Close co-ordination between the Federal Reserve and the Government of the USA is essential, because monetary policies should be in sync with fiscal policies for an effective and sustainable economic growth in the long run. The steps taken by the Federal Reserve, for example by increasing the interest rates to reduce inflation will have an impact on industrial production, consequently on employment. Therefore regulating interest rates in an economy by the Federal Reserve is a balancing act which takes into account several factors after analyzing the economic indicators. The Federal Reserve has an option of regulating money supply in the economy to regulate growth. Providing liquidity into the economic system by regulating money supply has its impacts on financial markets. Handa (2009, p. 429) observed â€Å"Many central banks, especially in financially developed economies, nowadays choose to use the interest rate, rather than the money supply, as the primary monetary policy instrument, while leaving the money supply endogenous to the economy.† Any change in the federal fund rate has cascading effect on short-term and long-term interest rates, foreign exchange of USD and stock prices. The cumulat ive effect of these impacts reflects in demand patterns and eventually spending by the businesses. In an economic slowdown, if the situation remains unchecked the multiplier effect caused in this process might lead to recession in the economy. Therefore, the role played by Federal Reserve in stabilizing economy through its monetary policies is very significant. Since policies of the Federal Reserve are concerned with employment, inflation and output, the economic indicators which are relevant in this regard are required to be carefully analyzed by the Federal Bank. Several economic indicators relating to employment, inflation and output or growth are used for this purpose. Analysis of the National Employment Report will be useful in assessing the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Online Social Networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Online Social Networking - Essay Example Boyd and Ellison (210) define online social networking (OSN) as an online platform, site, or service that is focused on facilitating the building and reflection of online social relations among people with common social ties, interests, or who do similar activities. These sites allow users to display information about themselves like age, location, interests, and activities among others. OSN is achieved through social networking services (SNSs) like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, MySpace, Friendster, Linkedin, Spoke and Cyworld. The main function of OSN is to provide a link through which people can communicate. According to Papacharissi (120), OSN sites allow people to create a profile for representing themselves and interacting through instant messaging, email and other integrated communication channels. There is a section on these sites that is dedicated to comments, friends, and other people with similar interests. Some of them allow users to create contact groups for ease of sharing common interests. They also allow users to hold discussion forums over the internet through services like chat rooms. Secondly, OSN provides a powerful means through which people can share information and personal data among other things. SNSs offer individually-centered services which allow users to share personal data, activities, events, information, interests, and ideas within their individual networks. Thirdly, OSN provides a quick way of expanding one’s social base. The social sites allow users to view or search people that share the same interests. Individuals or organizations can also compile and share lists of contacts. They also allow users to suggest more friends to their own friends. OSN has played a role in recent conflicts. The social sites have allowed people to communicate quickly and easily.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Typical Families Today Essay Example for Free

Typical Families Today Essay To even a casual observer of American society over the past five decades, drastic changes in the fundamental makeup of the American family and the perceived image of the American family are readily apparent. Many factors have contributed to the evolution of the American family;   along with those changes, specific positive and negative impacts on the familial unit as a whole have been posited by sociologists and other observers and commentators. For many, the evolution of the American family signals a greater freedom for the individual; for many others, the evolution of the American family merely records a devolving of traditional cultural values and social support systems to modes of cultural disintegration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although it is difficult to determine with any reliability, the nature and true composition of a traditional American family, the surface-level societal image that stands as the most predominant is that of the nuclear family, which, while maintaining close ties among the immediate family members; mother, father, children differs from European (and other) cultures where family is extended much further into more distant relatives and tribal associations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     At any rate, and despite the differences between the nuclear family and deeper historical models, the American family as nuclear stands as the single most definable image of family in the recent past. This model emphasized a patriarchal power-structure with the father as provider and protector and the mother as home-maker and care-giver. Just as many familial models from other cultures prioritize the family itself as the focal point of preservation and development, the American nuclear model places scant interest on individual growth or happiness. Family conflicts and interpersonal estrangement were regarded as obstacles to be overcome within the inter-dynamics of the family itself; individual happiness was desired or permitted in relation to its overall impact on the familys security and foundations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the model of the nuclear family was likely never more than a functional abstraction for many people, for others, it did comprise a model by which to live and, indeed, sizable amounts of people did live their lives under the auspices of the nuclear family. In time, cultural evolution suggests that the restrictions on individual freedom, identity and ambition played a crucial role in the eventual breakdown of the nuclear family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Among other key elements, The sexual revolution, womens liberation, relaxation of divorce laws, and greater mobility have been cited as forces which   are fracturing the traditional family structure, and these fractures are typically viewed as quite serious and with long-lasting consequences. In considering the sexual revolution it must be noted that this concept extends not only to unmarried couples with children, but to homosexual couples, childless couples, and those who are involved in some combination of the above. The opening of individual freedoms relative to sexual behavior has plunged the U.S into a rapidly changing family relationship landscape. Every assumption made about the family structure has been challenged, from the outer boundaries of single mothers raising out-of-wedlock children to gay couples having or adopting children to grandparents raising their grandchildren (Lebey, 2001, p. 20).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the increase in womens rights and legal recourses resulted in a rising number of divorces which contributed to the evolution of the American family. Single mothers and divorced couples rose in prominence among the statistical realities of how people actually lived rather than how Americans would like to imagine they lived. The evolution in traditional family structure started slow but maintained a steady pressure:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fault lines in Americans family structure were widening throughout the last 40 years of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the 20th century. The cracks became evident in the mid 1970s when the divorce rate   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   doubled. According to a 1999 Rutgers University study, divorce has risen 30% since   Ã‚   1970; the marriage rate has fallen faster; and just 38% of Americans consider themselves   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   happy in their married state, a drop from 53% 25 years ago. Today, 51% of all marriages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   end in divorce.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Lebey, 2001, p. 20)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The basic shift is one from prioritizing the family, itself, as an end to be attained and the idea of the individual as the most important factor in developing life-relationships, career paths, sexual orientation, and lifestyle. Whereas by compulsion under the nuclear family, those family members who felt alienated or disregarded by their families were expected to deal with their alienation within the context of the family itself and certainly not by leaving the family, out-right, or out-right rejecting the familys primacy. If we grant Lebeys assertion that the four main societal changes [that have] occurred that have had an enormous impact on the traditional family structure. The sexual revolution, womens liberation movement, states relaxation of divorce laws, and mobility of American families then we should also take special note that her latter point: mobility of families and family members has probably played a larger role than any other single component in the actualization of the modern family.   (Lebey, 2001, p. 20)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     If our culture tends to focus on the individual, or, at most, on the nuclear family, downplaying the benefits of extended families, though their role is vital in shaping our lives it also protects and preserves individuals freedom of choice and freedom of lifestyle far above the sanctity or preservation of the family. Mobility is the most direct expression of individual freedom: The notion of moving on whenever problems arise has been a time-honored American concept. Too many people would rather cast aside some family member than iron out the situation and keep the relationship alive (Lebey, 2001, p. 20).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mobility is not always a matter of choice but is often a matter of personal necessity driven on by employment conditions or other economic factors. Statistically, during the 10 years from 1989 to 1999, more than 5,000,000 families were relocated one or more times by their employers and this relocation is often driven by economic advancement and/or a safer place to raise children. From March, 1996, to March, 1997, 42,000,000 Americans, or 16% of the population, packed up and moved from where they were living to another location(Lebey, 2001, p. 20).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition to mobility, another aspect of lacing such a large emphasis on individual happiness and orientation is the idea that individual happiness is not only the paramount objective for personal decision making and interpersonal relationships, but that this idea of happiness should be also considered nearly inviolable. That is, the individual is socially conditioned to believe that any state that is less than happy is somehow abnormal, undesirable and should be remedied as soon as possible by whatever means: For at least 20 years, the pharmaceutical industry has learned how to cash in on the American obsession with feeling good by hyping mood drags to rewire the brain circuitry for happiness through the elimination of sadness and depression and this idea of constant happiness of course extends to ones marriages and familial relationships.   (Lebey, 2001, p. 20)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If one begins to regard individual happiness and individual ambition as the primary points of consideration in resolving inter-personal conflicts and especially inter-familial relationships, it is far more likely that breaks rather than repairations will be the result when issue of personal alienation or the restriction of self-expression and lifestyle intrude upon familial relationships. The overall decrease in an individuals willingness to work out tehir problems whatever they are and wherever they find themselves, along wiht a corresponding increase in the idea   of mobility, freedom, disposable jobs and relationship, brings about conditions which highly favor the radical evolution of the American family from its not-so-distant nuclear image.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The central question regarding the societal impact of the evolution of the American family on the societys well-being as a whole pivots on the idea of individual vs. collective rights. In other words, the evolution away form traditional family models toward those which encourage and encompass a much larger degree of individuality has resulted in a breakdown of the traditional family but also a breakthrough in individual freedoms and liberties. Whether or not the cult of the individual will provide a sufficient enough   substitution for nuclear family values in terms of providing for a healthy, growing, and just society remains to be seem. What is obvious is that traditional family models: one man, one women with fairly rigid gender roles and social mores is, indeed, a thing of the past.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The increasing number of non-married couples with children, of gay and lesbian couples with children, of single-parent families, and other non-traditional models is a highly visible indication of the social changes now occurring in America. No less visible or impacting is the rise of individuality and individual-orientation in American society which has both occasioned the breakdown of traditional family models and been enabled by the breakdown of traditional social mores and images of the typical American family.                   Reference Lebey, B. (2001, September). AMERICAN FAMILIES Are Drifting Apart. USA Today (Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   for the Advancement of Education), 130, 20.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Light vs. Dark in Heart of Darkness Essay -- Heart Darkness Conrad Ess

Light vs. Dark in Heart of Darkness The realism movement of the late nineteenth century produced works in literature that were marked by reduced sentimentality and increased objectivity. The goal was to let details tell the story, and remove noticeable bias of the author through scientific and detailed descriptions. While this form of storytelling undoubtedly is most accurate, it creates difficulties for authors to incorporate their themes into the story. This resulted in an increase in symbolism in realist works. The objects and descriptions within the story are the author’s vehicle for displaying the values and themes of the work. Light and darkness are symbols commonly used in literature, and have held specific symbolic meanings for hundreds of years. Simply stated, light commonly symbolizes good, while darkness symbolizes its antithesis - evil. (Cooper) For centuries light vs. dark has been quite possibly the most common symbol in all literature. In Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad uses detail to crea te a feeling that transcends the literal text - most notably through his use of light and dark and the inversion of their traditional meanings. The end goal of this inversion is the establishment of the theme that not everything is as it seems. More specifically, Conrad uses detailed imagery of light and dark to show often times white men can be more savage than the natives. The use of darkness in the title of Conrad’s work immediately alludes to it’s relevance to the story, but in an unexpected way. While the contrast of light and dark, white and black, and good and evil is a common theme in his novella, Conrad essentially reverses the meanings of the two. Conrad’s story is about the penetration of a corru... ...Conrad removes Marlow’s bias, but through the inclusion of careful details he is able to establish his themes. The cruelty of white man to the natives, appearances being deceiving, the nobility of the Africans – all are clear messages of this text that come across not from Marlow’s opinion, but rather the careful inclusion of details and symbolism. No bigger symbol helps Conrad reinforce his theme than the continuous battle of light and dark, and his use of the two is the cornerstone from which he builds meaning from symbolism. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Ed. David Damrosch, New York: Pearson. Copyright 2004. (pp. 948-1001) Cooper, J.C. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols. London: Thames and Hudson. Copyright 1987.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Health Care System of United States

Today†s health care system is in a constant state of fluctuation and commotion. It is sometimes difficult for the health care consumer to identify a valuable resource when they need one. The purpose of this paper is to explore one of the many health care resources that are available in the greater Philadelphia area and then visit this site to learn more about it. Philadelphia, in itself is an outstanding resource to the people of the area. In terms of healthcare resource implications this is true. There are numerous teaching hospitals, museums, clinics, and educational centers in this region. I choose to learn more about Planned Parenthood, a well-known organization in this area as well as nationally. Upon entering the clinic I knew very little about Planned Parenthood. It turned out that what I knew was only a fraction of what Planned Parenthood is really all about. According to the chairperson and president of PP, young people rely on Planned Parenthood to be truthful, confidential and non-judgmental. Women and men are grateful that it is an affordable resource, accessible to all, and respectful of all persons† decisions. Patients fell safe there because they provide safe medical care by trained professionals. Parents can feel a sense of ease because they know that their children are learning correct and valuable information concerning sex. Both donors and investors can feel confident that their gifts are an investment in the health and well being of the men, women, and children in their community. This paper will relay the information received from the site visit to Planned Parenthood in Media, Pennsylvania. It will discuss the mission, services, and financial aspects of Planned Parenthood. Mission Statement. The mission of Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania (PPSP) is to protect and enhance reproductive freedom, to increase access to reproductive health care services and information, and to promote sexual health. This mission provides the foundation of PPSP†s services and programs that they offer to the approximately 43,000 men, women, and children of the Delaware Valley. Planned Parenthood was found by a registered nurse named Margaret Sanger in the early 1900†³s. Her belief and reason for founding PP was this, â€Å"†¦ he first right of a child (is) to be wanted, to be desired, to be planned for with an intensity of love†¦ † (Planned Parenthood, 1999). Sanger was tired of watching women young and old die from complications of pregnancies due to lack of education and health care and was tired of seeing unwanted pregnancies carried to term because women did not know their options. Her goal was to both educate and provide for these women the reproductive services that were necessary for what she called reproductive freedom. Benefits of Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood provides numerous programs and services to the people of Southeastern Pennsylvania. I spoke with a woman named Megan (no last name was provided). She informed me of these services and programs, and helped me to gain a better understanding of what PP really is and does. Health Services. Planned Parenthood provides their services to women as well as men- it is a resource to be utilized by all. It is a common misconception that PP is for women only. They offer reproductive health care for men, women, and teens. They supply every FDA approved method of reversible birth control. These include natural family planning methods, Norplant, Depo-Provera, Birth control Pill, IUD (intrauterine device), condoms, Diaphragm, and cervical caps. Something that they offer is emergency contraception or the â€Å"morning after pill. † It decreases the likelihood of becoming pregnant even after the conception, because it decreases the healthy nature of the uterine wall. It is only effective within seventy-two hours following conception. They also offer walk-in pregnancy testing, options counseling and referrals to abortion clinics and adoption agencies. In the Media office, there are three nurse practitioners on staff who provide complete gynecological examinations including Pap tests. There is a physician who is affiliated with their office; he comes in at least twice a month or upon appointment to review all cases. The NP†s provide breast health checks and teach breast self-examinations. Mid-life services are provided for menopausal women as well hormone replacement therapy. Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections for men and women and confidential and anonymous HIV/AIDS testing are available as well. Planned Parenthood does perform first trimester abortions. They also offer a number of other health services such as cholesterol and blood pressure screening. Educational services. PPSP offers educational programs to pre-teens, teens, parents, and caregivers on topics of human sexuality, including health care, family planning, relationships, and HIV/Aids. There are teen peer education groups as well as Latino community workshops provided by bilingual/ bicultural educators. PPSP provides a complete resource center (bookstore and library) which provides a collection of literature on reproduction health care, sexuality, etc. Advocacy. PPSP urges political action for families/ planning and other reproductive health issues by participating in Lobby Days in Harrisburg and Washington. They are also involved in letter writing campaigns and news alerts to inform and motivate the public to become more involved in reproductive health care issues. Costs. All of the above listed services are available to all who enter the clinic at a small fee. The exception is made in the case of children who are thirteen to seventeen; their services and birth control pills are offered at no charge. In all other cases the fees for these products and services are quite low; for example, a routine gynecological examination examinations cost about thirty dollars. PP accepts most insurance plans and Medicaid, including Keystone HMO, PA Blue Cross- Blue Shield, and Personal Choice. They accept US Healthcare for surgical procedures only. Funding Revenue. From July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1007, Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania brought in nearly six million dollars ($5,915,000) in revenue. This included nearly $2. 5 million from patient health and surgical services, 1. million from government grants and medical assistance. Funding Expenditures. In this same fiscal year, Planned Parenthood†s total expenses (5,936,000) were in excess of their revenue by twenty-one thousand dollars. They spent about tree million dollars for patient health services and one million on surgical procedures. Over one quarter of a million was spent towards public information and advocacy. And over half a million was spent on education and training. Other funds were spent for special events, fund raising, and administration. At the end of the fiscal report there are ten pages which list the names of those who have made contributions to Planned Parenthood. These donations range from $25,000 or more to $100. PP relies on the contributions of individuals, foundations, and corporations to support their operations and activities in Southeastern PA. All contributions made to PP are tax deductible (Annual Report). I learned a tremendous amount from visiting Planned Parenthood. All of the ideas that I entered the clinic with were quickly proven wrong and limited by the woman that I interviewed. PP is a valuable resource to all women, men, and teens that are interested in maintaining or improving their reproductive health, reproductive education, or their general health. This is a resource that does not receive the publicity or recognition that it deserves. Hopefully the public is aware of what an asset Planned Parenthood is and how much they offer- more than I did before this project. We in Southeastern Pennsylvania are lucky to have PP to turn to for educational and health care needs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Best Step to Lose Weight

There are some ways to make me to slimmer and more attractive. That is losing weight. All I have to do is follow three big steps below. For me to get skinner is doing more exercise. Some people might be afraid of taking this step, but physical exercise work well in decreasing pounds. Especially three steps are walking, swimming and do aerobic. First, swimming is a good sport for those who not only want to have weight loss but also need to improve their height. Swimming about one to two hours at weekend is enough, because your body may not be familiar with long practice yet.When you are walking, you can burn calories at the same time. Another good exercise to lose weight is aerobics, because it is a high energy activity that uses the entire muscle group in the body. The second step is avoiding food with fat and sugar. For example, instead of three large meals, eat five or six small means or snack a day, and next, because you do exercise, so you need energy to work out, so try to eat p rotein food like fish, egg and fat free or low-fat cheese and drink a lot of water.When you feel hungry, but you already had a meal, you can eat more vegetables and fruits to fulfill your hunger. Third, keep a diary, write down everything that you eat and every minute of exercise that do, then you’ll see how much healthier and stronger you have while you’ve lost weight, and set mini goals is important also. Instead of thinking that you need to lose 10 pounds, think that you want to lose 1 to 2 pounds this week. Or you can focus on non-pound goals like skipping after dinner snacks this week.In conclusion, is to be patient, which is very important. Many people give up their weight lost goals and exercise only within a week. If you stop trying, then nothing changes, and you will be as fatty as, or even fattier than before. Losing weight is not as difficult as is thought if you have enough patience to do exercise, go on a diet and keep your mind at east. Following the step s above, you will be a pro on losing weight and have a good body shape and healthy body.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Financial Analysis of Samsung Essays

Financial Analysis of Samsung Essays Financial Analysis of Samsung Paper Financial Analysis of Samsung Paper reaching $ 110. 2 billion , compared with Intels $ 860 million higher than the market value , as the worlds largest semiconductor manufacturer revenue . Samsung Electronics , according to statistics released on the October 4th 2013 , in the third quarter ( July to September ) sales of 59 trillion won ( about 337 billion Yuan ) , operating profit amounted to 10. 1 trillion won ( about ARM 575 billion) , this value was even higher than the record 5. 98 percent in the second quarter. Thus , the profits of Samsung Electronics has been single-season record highs for two consecutive quarters. 3. 2. 2 Marketing Samsung has nearly 20 kinds of products in the global market share to get the first, ranking first in global enterprises. U. S. Market research firm Strategy Analytics recently released report, the second quarter of the global smart hone shipments grew 47% , reaching a record 229. 4 million , of which 76 million sales of Samsung Electronics , the market share expanded to 33. 1 % and Apples share was 13. 6%, phone sales in the second quarter of 31. 2 million . The data also show that the first half of this year, Samsung Electronics turnover of 1 10. 33 trillion won (U. S. $ 99. 3 billion ) , an increase of 19% ; operating profit of 18. 31 trillion won (U. S. $ 16. 5 billion ) , an increase of 51%. Samsung Electronics stakeholders also said that with the second half of the season will go into IT products , Samsung Electronics will continue to increase n the second half performance , parts department based on the competitiveness of high value-added products and specialty products , is also expected to bring more profits for the company . 3. 3 Core Competencies 3. 3. 1 Innovation Speaking of Samsung resplendence, almost every manager or ordinary employee will refer to the well-known remarks by Junk-He Lee, the chairman of Samsung Group, Except wife and children, all the things have to change. In 1 993, Junk;He Lee conducted the New Management program. Through continuous indoctrination of the consciousness of crisis and the concept hat only those who change can possibly survive, Samsung core business begun to change from mass imitation production to independent brand development based on digital technology. During its course to become a world-class company, Samsung has never stopp ed innovation and transformation. In 2001 in order to cope with the fast-changing information age, the program of Digital Management was carried out. In 2002, Samsung implemented the Wow Product System in order to maintain its leading position through the development Profit Operations Inbound Logistics Outbound Logistics Marketing and Sales Service Samsung type industrial ark use high-end technologies offer unique and thoughtful service work in marketing guiding principle Multinational company system all over the world set up strong marketing team and extensive marketing relationships massive and high quality skill training strong capability chances for personal development Administration HARM Technology Development Procurement of a series of high-tech. Innovation now has become part of Samsung spirit and culture and has become the driving force of Samsung firm and continuous transformation. 3. 3. 2 Triangle Management Structure Samsung Group creates a triangle management structure in the New Management program aiming at the integration of knowledge capital. In such a structure, CEO Junk-he Lee is at the vertex of a triangle. Another point is the structural adjustment department itself. The third triangle point is the Chief Executive Group. CEO at the vertex is in charge of guiding management direction and deploying strategic target, leading his workers struggling to create products. Structural adjustment department not only assists President to carry out the strategic decisions but also acts as the role of monitor in charge of regulating a few branches of the operation. Chief Executive Group is responsible for carrying out specific strategic plan regarding to how to develop the actual business activities. Triangle Management Structure increases Samsung market competitiveness, considered as Samsung management work milestone. Because of this structure,management responsibility is strengthened and management efficiency also improved. 3. 33 Human Resource program In order to be better in the 21st century, Samsung strengthens human resources management system, building up South Koreans biggest talent bribery to promote the operations sustainable development. Additionally, Samsung pursues the principle of people first, always believing that enterprise success lies in the quality of employees. Samsung divide technology into four terms: basic technology, advanced technology, core technology and future technology.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cheating Behavior Among Undergraduate Students Psychology Essay

Cheating Behavior Among Undergraduate Students Psychology Essay The journal articles that are reviewed here have common keywords which are students and cheating, which can be classified as academic dishonesty. The research in the first journal is about cheating behavior among undergraduate students. The critical review in the first journal basically criticized the Methodological issue and theoretical issue which involve the sample of the study, procedures and how the research is beneficial to others. The research in the second journal however is about Academic dishonesty and perceptions of Pakistani students. The critical review in the second journal criticized about the Methodological issue and theoretical issue which involve Sample of the study, research instrument and procedure of study. Journal 1 Cheating behavior among undergraduate students Batool, Saeeda; Abbas, Anam; Naeemi, Zahra. International Journal of Business and Social Science, ISSN 2219-1933, 01/2011, Volume 2, Issue 3, p. 246 Summary This research paper has taken into considerat ion the factors that persuade students at the undergraduate level to cheat. The basic purpose of this research paper is to analyze the reasons that persuade students to cheat at the undergraduate level. In this paper, the factors taken in to account are student CGPA, parental pressure, lack of preparation for a particular exam, student’s time consumed in extracurricular activities and gender on the level of cheating done by students. Specifically, for this paper the term ‘cheating’ means the following; cheating on quizzes, exams and assignments. For research and data collection purposes, the total sample size taken is 300 undergraduate students from five different universities. With the data that was collected, analysis was done through cross-tabulation and other tools for defining the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Lastly, this paper also talks about the relationship between the factors that cause undergraduate to cheat. Journal 1 Critical Review Methodological Issue Sample of the Study A total of 300 undergraduate students were involved in this research. 60 undergraduate students were selected from five different universities and colleges. The universities and colleges that were involved were NUST Business School, Bahria University, FAST, Islamic International University and Shifa Medical College which are all situated in Islamabad. Even though the sample size of each institution was equal, the data from this research cannot be generalized worldwide due to the small sample of this research and the race of the sample. Even though the sample size of the study was equal, but it is unknown that whether the male ratio and female ration are equal in each sample size. Moreover, the data that were collected were all from the undergraduates in Islamabad, which composed of mostly Middle Eastern students. In addition, the institutions were not chosen at random, due to the institutions were chosen based on the authorsâ €™ ability to conduct the study. Thus, it will be inappropriate to use the title of this research which is â€Å"cheating behaviors among undergraduate students† due to the data cannot be generalized. Aside from, that it is unknown that whether the participants were selected randomly or the participants voluntarily participate the research. But, in this case, the researcher most probably adapted the method of convenient sampling. Even though, convenient sampling allows researcher to collect data easily, but it also has the element of selection bias which might affect the results of the research.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 66

Assignment - Essay Example her, based on the above graph it can be observed that the maximum profits are obtained at a point where Marginal cost curve intersect with Marginal revenue curve. In addition the marginal cost curve intersect the average variable cost curve from below and also intersect the average total cost curve from above as shown in the diagram. The diagram above indicate that, in the long run, an increase in cost for a monopolistic firm it causes the market price to be equal to average total cost whereby marginal cost will be equal to marginal revenue as indicated in the figure above (Salvatore, p.345). The graph above indicates the equilibrium price and quantity which is derived at point where the demand and supply curve intersect. The equilibrium price is represented above using PE while equilibrium quantity is represented by point QE as shown above. 7. The demand for butter will lead to a decrease in demand of margarine because margarine is an inferior good whose demand decreases as consumer’s level of income increases. On the contrary, demand of butter will increases as income increase. 8. The reason why person marginal rate of substitution between two goods must equal to the ratio of the price of goods is because consumer could trade one good for another at a market price to obtain higher level of satisfaction. The graph above indicates that marginal cost curve intersect average cost curve from below and average cost at a point higher than that of average cost curve. It can be observed that, as the marginal cost increases, the average variable cost decreases (Salvatore, p.225). The graph above indicates the relationship between Marginal cost and average variable cost whereby, If marginal cost of production is greater than average variable cost it means that average cost is increasing and vice versa(Salvatore, p.225). The graph indicates that the firm average variable cost curve are U-shaped and it achieve its minimum at a lower than the average total cost curve