Friday, May 22, 2020

What Is the Demographic Transition Model

Demographic transition is a model used to represent the movement of high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. It works on the premise that birth and death rates are connected to and correlate with stages of industrial development. The demographic transition model is sometimes referred to as DTM and is based on historical data and trends.   The Four Stages of Transition   Demographic transition involves four stages. Stage 1: Death rates and birth rates are high and are roughly in balance, a common condition of a pre-industrial society. Population growth is very slow, influenced in part by the availability of food. The U.S. was said to be in Stage 1 in the 19th century.  Stage 2: This is the developing country phase. Death rates drop rapidly due to improvements in food supply and sanitation, which increases life spans and reduces disease. Without a corresponding fall in birth rates, countries in this stage experience a large increase in population.Stage 3: Birth rates fall due to access to contraception, increases in wages, urbanization, an increase in the status and education of women, and other social changes. Population growth begins to level off. Mexico is believed to be in this stage in the early decades of the millennium. Northern Europe entered this stage in the later part of the 19th century.  Stage 4:  Birth rates and death rates are both low in this stage. People born during Stage 2 are now beginning to age and require the support of a dwindling working population. Birth rates may drop below replacement level, considered to be two children per family. This leads to a shrinking population. Death rates may remain consistently low, or they may increase slightly due to increases in lifestyle diseases linked to low exercise levels and high obesity. Sweden has reached this stage in the 21st century.   The Fifth Stage of Transition   Some theorists include a fifth stage in which fertility rates begin to transition again to either above or below that which is necessary to replace the percentage of the population that is lost to death. Some say fertility levels decrease during this stage while others hypothesize that they increase. Rates are expected to increase populations in Mexico, India and the U.S. in the 21st century, and to decrease populations in Australia and China.  Birth and death rates largely plateaued in most developed nations in the late 1900s.   The Timetable There is no prescribed time within which these stages should or must take place to fit the model. Some countries, like Brazil and China, have moved through them quickly due to rapid economic changes within their borders. Other countries may languish in Stage 2 for a much longer period due to development challenges and diseases like AIDS.  Additionally, other factors not considered in the DTM can affect the population. Migration and immigration are not included in this model and can affect the population.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Article Affect, Culture, And Morality, Or Is It...

The article â€Å"Affect, Culture, and Morality, or is it wrong to eat your dog?† attempts to conclude if morality is based solely on a determination of harm, or if cultural norms can act as determinants of morality, even in cases where an action may not result in harm. Jonathan, Koller, and Dias conducted a survey-based experiment, designed with the intent of evaluating the moral reasoning of citizens with varying socio-economic and cultural profiles. The intersectionality of wealth and culture allowed the researchers to determine the universality of specific moral principles. By identifying culturally constructed moral tenets, the researchers were able to determine that only certain aspects of morality are universally determined by the principle of harm, consequently deflating a widely held belief that perceived harm solely informs our determination of morality. The authors preface their research by explaining the two schools of thought regarding the development of morality: one believing our perception of harm is the prime and solitary determinant of moral development, the other suggesting that a confluence of identifiable harm and other cultural factors guide our progress. This disagreement results from a discrepancy concerning the purview of moral principles. Some believe that actions taken in divergence with cultural norms indicate a misunderstanding or unwillingness to conform to convention, not a divergence from a code of morality. Others believe that the moralShow MoreRelatedEssay Moral Realism847 Words   |  4 Pagesoften-debated theories in regards to moral ethics. Consequentialists rely on which right decision will provide the most amount of good. Followers of deontology however, choose what is right based upon decisions regardless of the possible outcome. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Neuron and Chemical Synapse Free Essays

Nervous System II: Anatomy Review 1. The somatic nervous system stimulates ____________ muscle. The autonomic nervous system stimulates ___________ muscle, ____________ muscle, and ___________. We will write a custom essay sample on Neuron and Chemical Synapse or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) consists of two divisions, each innervating the effector organs. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) generally speeds up everything except digestion. The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) generally slows down everything but digestion. Signals from the SNS cause the heart rate to _________, while signals from the PNS cause the heart rate to ___________. Signals from the SNS cause smooth muscles of the intestine to _________ contractions, while signals from the PNS cause these muscles to _________ contractions. Signals from the SNS also cause the adrenal gland to _________ epinephrine and norepinephrine. 3. Neurons can excite or inhibit another neuron. Exciting another neuron will increase the chances of a/an ___________________ in the second neuron. Inhibiting another neuron will make the chances of a/an __________________ less likely. 4. Axons from one neuron can synapse with the dendrites or soma of another axon. These synapses are called ______________________ (on dendrites) and _________________________ (on soma). They carry input signals to the other neuron. Axons from one neuron can synapse with the axon terminal of another neuron. These synapses are called ________________________, and they regulate the amount of ________________________ released by the other neuron. 5. The electrical synapse: Electrical current flows from one neuron to another through _________________. These synapses are always (excitatory or inhibitory). Advantages of the electrical synapses: . _______ signal conduction 2. _____________ activity for a group of neurons. 6. The chemical synapse: Chemical synapses are not as fast as electrical but are the most common type of synapse. A chemical, called a/an ______________________, is released from the sending neuron and travels across the ___________________(a gap between the neurons) to the receiving neuron. Advantages of the chemical synapse: 1. The signal can be eithe r ____________ or ____________. 2. The signal can be ______________ as it passes from one neuron to the next. 7. The neuron conducting the impulse toward the synapse is called the __________________ neuron. The axon terminal contains ___________ ____________ filled with ______________________. An action potential in the axon terminal of the _____________ neuron causes the chemical transmitter ____________________ to be released. It diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the ________________ membrane. These receptors open __________________. The movement of the charged particles causes an electrical signal called a/an _______________________. How to cite Neuron and Chemical Synapse, Essay examples